Drill and Dress

It would be an excellent idea to learn all the military ranks and their symbols. Believe me, you do not want to call a Master Sergeant a Lieutenant or vice versa.  You will likely be issued ACUs and it will be your responsibility to wear it correctly. A good rule to follow in the Army is this, “Be in the right place, at the right time, and in the right uniform.”

Drill will seem intimidating at first due to the sheer amount of commands and the certain ways you have to execute them. But, after some practice, you will get the hang of it. It will be one of the first things the cadet leadership will teach you, and yes if you haven’t done it before, you will screw up. But, you shouldn’t make the mistake I did and go in with the knowledge of stuff you’ve seen on TV. Do a little homework before your DD lab and you’ll be better off for it.  The most important thing to remember is that there are two parts to most drill commands: the preparatory command and the command of execution.

For instance, the command: “Forward, march.” “Forward” is the preparatory; think of it as a heads up from the commander on what he or she wants the formation to do. “March” is the execution, this is when you start doing what you were order to do. A lot of people on their first day, will make this mistake and execute as soon as they hear the preparatory command of the order. Also you always lead with your left foot and whenever you pivot do so on your heel.

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