Succeeding at PT

My class instructor loves to say, “Good things happen when you do PT”. He’s made a believer out of me. Whether you want to or not, you have to go and do PT,(Physical Training). You will NOT succeed in the Army if you do not do PT. There are no exceptions. This is the number one reason the MS1 class of the fall semester will have such a large dropout rate. Nobody wants to get up at 5:30am and run 4 miles, but if you want to get fit and pass your APFT, then that’s what you have to do. You will have to attend PT 3 days a week and possibly 5 days if your APFT score is too low or if you’re a MS3. So do well and you will get to sleep-in 2 extra days.

The correct uniform for PT consists of the: gray Army T-shirt, black trunks, black sweat pants (moisture wicking), black and gray running jacket (only allowed to wear for cold conditions), and accessories including the reflective belt and knit cap (you must always wear your reflective belt unless told otherwise). All the items listed will be issued to you, but you are responsible for your own running shoes and must wear your socks at least ankle high.

If you are seriously considering joining a ROTC program, I would begin doing my own exercising ASAP. Also make sure you have good running shoes,(replace your shoes about every six months).Many cadets including myself, were not prepared for the amount of running you’ll be asked to do. Remember the only way you can get better at running is by more running. If you are a weak runner, start off slow and build up your stamina from there. Constantly hydrate every day. You can’t drink heavily during PT without risking major cramps, so drink a lot beforehand,(days in advance).

Always show up to PT. It may be terrible at first and you’ll go through a lot of pain but you will get better. If you don’t get better your being too easy on yourself. In the long-term you’ll be glad you stuck with it. Remember, “Good things happen when you go to PT”.

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